Monday, April 20, 2009

Ban Ki Moon... out Russia as the facilitator of the prepcom meetings in his acknowledgments.
He is also "profoundly disappointed":
the fight against racism and all forms of racial discrimination is one of the "most pressing issues" [less pressing 15 years ago? 40 years ago?]
"no society is immune, large or small, rich or poor"
"the eyes of the world, especially the eyes of victims are upon us today"
"yet too many of us cling to the past"
"we point fingers and deliver some of the same accusations that we did ... years ago"

uses relatively strong language, for a UN SecGen, against the US and other boycotting countries, without of course mentioning them by name

"less confrontation and more dialogue, less ideology and more common understanding)

"if ever there was a cause in which we can all believe, this is it"
"a truly noble cause that binds us as human beings"
"racism is a denial of human rights, pure and simple"
distinguishes between institutionalized forms (Holocaust) and less inst. forms

"reject rightful grievances of minorities"

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